Tuesday, August 10, 2010

kids clothes The void traveler captures my light sword hunger to be hard to take thirstily

Myself use above void plate several 250, has the research to the void traveler, actually before void rework, I have been concentrating on study the void reasonable physics to leave install the method, recently was void redoes finally, the top of the head blue sky, studied this tactic especially, tested 3 day of effect to be remarkable, shared in this experiences .w? @N)??? Pu
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First we do to rework several skills analyze .b??! ; W? F?
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=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_0.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_0.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> moves: Each time the attack eliminates the goal 4/8/12/16/20 supernatural power value, and three times return give themselves w^? $$? 5=?
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Initiative: in 5 seconds obtain 7/15/25/38/50 protect the armor to penetrate, the cooling time 15 seconds, consume the blue 30/40/50/60/70. start initiative effect to be possible for the black magic pulse sufficient energy?? No/D? S#
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I and many people are the same, from the very beginning rigid and the high eruption, Gao Gongsu,kids clothes, the practice has proven my mistake,unique baby gifts, even if the callous edge has recreated, that 5 seconds time, the void physical output compares YI, the king, and so on physics department heroes misses many, under the same equipment, other heroes may do well .6? nk.q|n:g
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=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_1.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_1.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; the border=0> injury trades attacks the fast present to change may superimpose, and may refurbishing (participate in Egyptian Ze Riel passively). Reduces duration CT `]: GG? K
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Such modification may let the speed promotion effect be altogether more obvious, and is balanced duration .qB=?? 8%? $J
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The duration reduces from 5 seconds is 4 seconds? YcuHY? f? 5
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Compares the callous edge, the passive rework is most important, it by original cannot superimpose changes into may superimpose, moreover this passive skill as if is first settles accounts and the evil spirit anti-, therefore your evil spirit anti-enhancement cannot reduce to this skill to attack speed promotion effect .8F? `799 [? p
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After analyzing, we may discover that as soon as the void physical class does not look like the AP class such to be fastidious about the high eruption to strike is separated from, but has the relative stabilization in certain time the output, particularly after suffering hit to promote by to obviously, myself once in the group wartime had not attacked the fast equipment in the situation attack speed to achieve 2.5. to undergo the actual fight easily, in 100 evil spirit anti-situations, received 600--700 black magic injuries may let the attack speed 0.9 achieves 2.5. this to indicate void that what physics void first needs is survivability, after having the survivability, the output only then has the safeguard. `l? q? [6? [n
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I said first I Fu Wen, red and the big symbol article I protect the armor to penetrate completely, in addition the talent initial penetrates 35, after later period opens the skill, penetrates 85, hits has not defended the equipment the person knife knife to the meat. The yellow is adds the defense the growth symbol article, the blue color is adds the anti-evil spirit the growth symbol article.?? a {8? g9a4
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Goes out the equipment, what I choose is =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_2.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_2.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> is blue, may promote the volume of blood and crossed wires ability .r*? s) T `T}}
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Then the equipment looked that the opposite situation decides, the ordinary circumstances are first are =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_3.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_3.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>, promotion physics defense, volume of blood, but can also add the money, later period may also promote =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_4.jpg);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_4.jpgonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>, but is before then many makes money as far as possible with it, because has the defense to grow in Fu Wen the situation, heart of the 10 level of belt gold has had hundred physical defenses fully, enough use, only if opposite physical output very fierce .l? ilF_y
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Next is =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_5.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_5.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; only if border=0> opposite control or black magic output, but in the ordinary circumstances will not have this kind of situation .c1? Ta! p {%?
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Is =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_6.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_6.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>?)OcG$HNK
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Saw here you will ask: Your this is not TANK? Not wrong, the physical void essence is with the firm bodily absorption as far as possible many black magic attacks, then transforms as the attack speed, dies with the enemy spells, even if does not able to endure or the enemy escapes, but may also use the outstanding mobility and the control skill carries on chases down and kills and escapes, in the anti-evil spirit 150 situations, the basic any black magic skill hit on your body has been superficial.? 7C? j6Kw5k
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Skill: The host rises =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_7.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_7.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>, next is =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_8.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_8.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>. Nt?? u;? 0
The use knack, the earlier period mainly depending on these two move of skill output, with the void shift next to the skin, puts the skill, chops, with summons teacher skill =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_9.png);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_9.pngonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> and =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_10.png);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_10.pngonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> makes up the insufficiency which well outputs, the luck can also take many number of people .m `l?? sUN?
After the defense leaves basically, the game also arrives the close later period, leaves above equips, you have the 2400+HP,100+ thing basically against, 140+ evil spirits against, at this time the skill also starts to rise =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_0.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_0.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>,baby blanket, at this time, also started to reveal liao the tooth void, the equipment also changed the attack attire, left =700 first) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_11.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_11.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>, then the promotion is =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_12.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_12.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>, the attack speed, the attack, the control, supports the blood to be possible to give dual attention.? HN? tlH
Then =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_13.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_13.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>,=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_14.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_14.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>,=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_15.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-7-20/1279648374_15.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; no matter what border=0> you choose? D#, P-0? +%
The group fights, you specially cut into the enemy position, looks for Pi Ruan DPS to start, you will discover, you can be all DPS deepest fear, they will run also cannot run away, hit also hit, but, will counterattack to you is also the futile effort, will also let you go crazy increases the attack speed generally, as soon as perhaps one did not pay attention you to dodge does not have the person's shadow, has wasted the precious firepower, 85 physical penetrations hit have not defended the equipment the heroic knife knife to arrive at the meat, but also had Q, E double to control. , the ordinary anemia's AP void dependence caper already sufficed the headache, a firm void that is in the headache adds headache .PXYo again? @^3?
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Generally speaking, this repertoire was from before from weapon master who made the passive skill has not developed,--Promotes the survivability first, then promotes the output, does has output potential TANK, I used this repertoire basic team number of people number to arrange recently preceding first two, but I will not record the video frequency, cannot provide the concrete demonstration, hoped that this will capture can give each position to bring an inspiration.

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