Monday, August 23, 2010

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Jar game preschool education resources
Each family has the jar which some have no need. These every large or small, high height short marine, you may not discard easily, so long as prepares slightly, may play various interesting games with the child, both sharpened child's ability, and has raised the parent-child sentiment.

The graph baby looks for the friend

Preparation: Jar certain, each kind of color and shape geometric figure certain. First pastes on the entirely alike two geometric figure on the identical jar's bottle body and the bottle cap, then places separately the bottle body and the bottle cap in two baskets.

Slighting the law: Mother takes up a bottle body at will, points at the geometric figure which above pastes to ask the child: What color is this? What graph? And so on children said, mother said: Asks you on to put in bottle cap's basket to discover one with its entirely alike graph baby, twists the bottle cap, lets them pair completes the friend. After child discover the corresponding bottle cap, twists the bottle cap. Completes one every time, mothers must give the affirmation and the praise.

When game, the guardian must proceed in an orderly way. Just started, may use one kind of color several graph, perhaps a graph several kind of color, regards the situation which the child grasps, increases color and the graph type suitably.

The jar baby lines up

Preparation: The size varies, height different jar certain. With red, yellow, blue, green and so on pastes immediately the bottle body sticks to, turns each kind of color the jar, divides into two these jars, mother, child.

Slighting the law: Mother said to the child: Today, the jar baby wants to go to the spring tour, we ask them to line up, you may line up according to your wish for them, but must say is arranges according to any rule. Mother and the child arrange the jar together, after row of good,(Related Articlesinfant girls clothes The Hangzhou industry and com), everybody said mutually he is lines up according to any rule. For example: I am according to arrange from short to high, I am according to red, yellow, the green gap arrange,gucci kids shoes, I am according to arrange from thin to the thickness and so on.

After the child grasps certain rule sorting, the guardian may increase the difficulty suitably, lets the child discover the rule which adult sorts contains, then asks the child to get down according to this kind of rule then platoon.

The soybean baby goes home

Preparation: Jar 5. Pastes 1~5 dots separately on each bottle body, pastes l~5 on the corresponding bottle cap the digit. Soybean 1 small bowl.

Slighting the law: Mother said: Darkness, the soybean baby has wanted to go home,baby blanket, these jars are the soybean baby's family, on the bottle body have several dots to be able to be occupied by several soybean babies, cannot live cannot little live, we deliver the soybean the baby to go home together. Said that mother and the child takes a bottle body respectively, counts above has several dots, puts in the same quantity the soybean. Mother and the child inspects mutually, if soybean baby's quantity is not right, guides the child to make the adjustment, until all puts to up. Finally, mother asks the child to close for the soybean baby's family, discovers is pasting the corresponding digital bottle cap and twists.

In order to increase the active interest, mother may the mislay, guide the child to inspect intentionally corrects, the child will think that he will be very great. In the understanding grasps 5 within in the number foundation, may increase the difficulty,kids clothing, carries on 10 within the number operation. Moreover, except soybean baby, but may also deliver the broad bean the baby, the peanut baby and so on goes home, for child by curiosity. Preschool education network

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