Friday, August 6, 2010

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Void frightened - branch gas ChoGath

Heroic skill

Slaughters the instinct

We have been incompetently incapable to Cho, it just restored her life value,(Related Articlesbaby doll toys LOL new heroic void prophet horse Z), what do we then have to plan?

Tearing earth

Oh we by rush, and has been thrown outside 1 mile, this might do has pounded our plan

Fond of the countryside keenly blowing

Should die, why do you use (some skill) not earlier

I did not have the means that Cho to silence me

Should die, we need a new plan

Death point thorn

Cho already killed more and more dogfaces, he becomes more and more formidable, how should we manage??

Grand feast

You just had been eaten by a cockroach, we need a new plan.

Heroic introduction

I am not one like writing lengthy, detailed or is the human who the innovation captures, I only want to let its succinct legible somewhat, this is I have played Cho'gath capturing, this and majority of slights the law has little different.

Perhaps now some people must ask that what meaning a question your this title was? , the answer is very simple. Once I and the friends of mine have played one game, we continuously in oppressive (besides me), in the entire competition the match has been doing everything possible to break our middle of the mill the turret, but always has formidable Cho to keep off in theirs front, I have been saying with mine teammates: I know their plan, but I determined that they must work out a new plan. Then I said in the public channel that what your plan is? Finally we dumped tray!

This route should better in your solo time can display the best effect. Best and your friend plays together, and has a person to run about all over, like this you may solo, we usually elect a Shivell middle of the mill solo, in easy/Warwick/Youde/Jaques to run about all over, then I, Cho in other line solo.

Talent and Fu Wen

0/21/9 or 21/0/9, this is decided by yours fighting method attacks or is the defense, I like 0/21/9 combination.

Summons the teacher skill

I will usually choose flash before/the transmission.

The transmission may help on you online more effective taking up a collection, and may support the teammate promptly, you saw the match is pushing the tower? Then the transmission used the tearing earth/fond of the countryside keenly blowing to destroy their plan in the past.

Flashes before the skill has the COMBO skill match facing two to be very useful when the earlier period, they will possibly use the dizziness or other limit skill to you, but you may before they will kill you will use flashes before escapes.

With sees clearly replaces flashes before is also a good idea, because you may see through their plan in the earlier period, and makes the counter-attack. The enemy possibly before you kills them DPS (for instance Ash) makes the prompt reflection. Purifies the goal which this skill and flashes before to be the same, actually has the shorter cooling time, I had tried this skill, but I chose finally have flashed before,funny baby bibs t shirts, because I might pass through the barrier.


From the very beginning the direct purchase frantic armor, then should purchase a shoe, promotes again to the enduring boots

Then some people will possibly say that should purchase armor of the towerman, but I will choose the incorruptible heart, this equipment will reduce the cooling time and increases the black magic the attribute to tear the earth and the fond of the countryside keenly blowing regarding the massive releases is very useful, you may easily crush their plan.

At this time your goods fence also has 3 vacancies,baby bibs, and already had 730 HP, if opposite party has famous master, you may purchase strength of the nature, if they only then a master, that basic did not need to consider, when he is silenced time his anything could also not do.

If the match has the frail hero, then purchases angle of one pair of date inflammation, 80 DPS is very easy to be able to kill them; If they have many meat shields, then purchases some to increase the attack speed and the striking power equipment; If your match is a crowd only pays great attention to attack, but is not defensive DPS, then purchases some to increase the AP value the equipment to eat the soldier, like this they were unable to prevent a monster.

Skill order

Promotes the death point to puncture first with the tearing earth, then promotion fond of the countryside keenly blowing

Route's example

Pure defense route ......How do we do decide it? Or is this simply is not effective, how do next we manage? I will such say: What is your plan?

I will increase some new things perhaps next time.

Team cooperation

This route's final goal is destroys the enemy goal they to be unable to realize own plan like this ......And may enable your troop to be possible to realize own plan. Before looks like me, had said such, comes TP to the turret to prevent enemy's advancement, and harasses their turret to force them to rescue, like this your teammate might on-line advance in another.

Some must take seriously the question is the enemy who you want time attention enemy side vanishing, if at the same time them 5 individuals have vanished, then had the possibility they to cope with you together extremely.

In the group fights first to cut into the battlefield, last comes out, if your teammate faced with death danger, then the use tearing earth comes for the teammate to create one to escape the road, if your troop is in wins the potential, then must use the tearing earth/fond of the countryside keenly blowing to prevent the enemy to flee.

Saw that came to Pan woods or Fitter? Then uses the tearing earth on theirs road to prevent them, this is in a psychology to decides, you must forecast their line of march��f you succeeded you to be possible to throw him the very far place, Fitter was quite hard to deal with a spot, when you saw in his hand had time you who the faction prepared the motion to be possible to transmit to him around, and punctured him, this will break his plan.

If they had the baron or other buff, then you still might through the use tearing earth/fond of the countryside keenly blowing, this definitely be possible to disrupt their plan, if you had have let they unceasingly depressed potential, then they only could the angry withdrawal play ......

Taking up a collection

This route's equipment very much consumes the money?

This makes up the knife ability to you to have certain request,baby boutique, after but when you promoted the death point punctures, are not the question, I from the very beginning will usually not go to ask the hero to kill, only if will be the very frail that kind, generally speaking you may obtain the equipment which quickly compared to others oneself will want, when you in 10-11 levels, and had armor's of the avid follower time enemy to be very possible only then to have 7-8 levels, therefore they indeed needed a good plan to kill you.

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