Thursday, August 19, 2010

baby dolls The artificial leg ASTER attacks flow being in fashion to capture

Recently was infatuated with has been in fashion is mainly four masterstrokes is also four not depending on the spectrum skill. Has the corona, has AOE, has the deceleration to escape,baby dolls, has the output. But faints is not very steady, AOE weakens, escapes the skill is not flickers moves is not the black magic immunity, the big move of output condition request is too harsh. But why has liked very much recently, is because R and W skill relatively perfect.

R, CD is 9S, the most major injury 360, the black magic consumes 90/100/110/120.W, CD is the 15S,1 level may by 522 speed 2.75 seconds, the black magic consume 100.

Regarding being in fashion, frequent use R may let any to the line hero by the inexhaustible suppression, CD only then 9S, the black magic consumption be most only then 120, i.e., basically each wave soldier you may use time R to brush the money at least simultaneously to suppress the match. Even if the opposite hero has the magic club, will then not have too many losses.

Equips the route: Generally speaking may hit the list, but does not have sidewalk one comfortable which suppresses two to come. The middle of the mill first jar, the sidewalk I am familiar with buy 450 masters the first long gown, increases the black magic upper limit as well as the striking power. Then looked that the situation is first 2 325 chapter of evil spirits, has been suitable the direct intelligence artificial leg. Then makes up a temple finger ring to let you the dogface increase the divine protection armor quickly to push the tower. (if a wave soldier has vehicle to hit tower, but dogface death ray, has been possible to consider that opens W to go against an inferior next wave soldier's arrival) is the inexhaustible war wire brush money. If the enemy comes GANK, may consider that opens W to escape, W returns to the city directly, because in the W duration, you are the physical immunity.

Intelligence artificial leg--Magnificent ceremony--ASTER--Small electric hammer--Black yellow--Big electric hammer--Crystal sword--Cannon

Skill dot: Because must display the superiority which is in fashion, is rubs the blood using R to brush the soldier, W escapes, generally speaking I am busy suppress FARM the mentality, gave up E the dot 0.1 coming is many yellow spots,newborn girls clothes, might better brush the money suppression opposite party, moreover the E exploitation conditions were too harsh, two came, because equipped the route to let you have the enough black magic, if therefore the opposite some people could also be 2/3 blood, could use the match which E killed, might use R+W+ absolutely to attack +R to finish ordinary.


Is probably this appearance W earlier period has first-level may provide well escapes the method, moreover may the better use this extreme speed ordinary attack match. R must first rise in 7 levels fully, mainly outputs the skill. The earlier period promotion yellow spot as far as possible, lets you have the attribute and anti-strokes the nature. E is generally promotes points about 10 levels, at this time was roughly in has the small scale group to fight, good E might control two enemies, but because the usability was too low, therefore the only 0.1 spots helped the teammate to provide the control, or was W+E offensive.

About compensates four level of W, then because at that time each kind of small scale gank, the large-scale group fights the eruption,(Related Articlesbaby girls The LOL card sign whole world attacks t), let you more physics immunities have the opportunity, short CD long duration, was also the ASTER school may run up to the lower part fast from map's upper half the essence.

PS: The above content aims at the passer-by, the dot way is completely completely I likes, is not definitely same as the general idea, but passes through I very many time experiments, particularly hits the sunspot time, opposite party will have many control heroes, these heroes exactly the volume of blood will be very also few, prewar R, then W will withdraw, the E ASTER has output two, will use the human who again R will receive escapes, generally will be very safe.

Being in fashion is I thought that present one which of heroic underestimated seriously, at present RD will have is in fashion I to snatch is in fashion, because had the intelligence artificial leg, the magnificent ceremony, two will return to evil spirit mask's being in fashion is any heroes cannot on online suppress. Reasonable use R and W, are the essential conditions which outstanding is in fashion. Is in fashion is not the later period, but is the tyrant line, suppresses, escapes the coexisting hero. Any is in fashion which appears on-line,baby socks, the enemies can not but trade the road.

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