Saturday, September 4, 2010

little girls dresses Seven moves may let you the baby be far away from the fall to be dry

Is gradually thick in the autumn chill, in dry multi-wind season, little darling, because self-adjustment ability is bad, very easy to present the fall dry performance, what method mothers should use to let the baby restore balanced?

The limit sweets against itch sickness

In the little darling skin the moisture content mainly has the dermis, but autumn little darling's in vivo will occupy the water scarcity frequently the condition, by now the skin will provide the moisture content to the organism, supplemented that the blood circulation the need, the result easy to cause the skin because of water scarcity,little girls dresses, but dry, the pruritus, presented skins and so on papula to damage, saw in 1~3 year-old little darling.

Prompt: This time must limit the sugar manufacturing and sweets intaking, and supplements the fresh vegetables and the fruit promptly; Simultaneously must maintain the indoor air circulation, and lets the baby have the sufficient sleep; Every day also needs the lukewarm water to take a bath 1~2 times.

Soft clothes against dermatitis

When which transforms when the season, the allergic physique's baby is specially easy to suffer from the dystopia dermatitis. Occupies the babyhood the fat baby regular session in the forehead, the cheek spot presents the red spot, perhaps the small papula, the baby because of will itch scratches and tears the skin,Newborn Baby Clothes, will form infiltrates the fluid, repeatedly, sometimes light sometimes heavy.

Prompt: Let the baby put on soft, spacious, the pure clothes, protects the dystopia dermatitis's important means. The day just transferred coldly, do not let the baby put on the silk wool product, also do not be able to pass through warmly, in order to avoid aggravates itches the feeling; The milk and the egg are the animal proteins, possibly will aggravate dermatitis to display; If is breast feeding, the wet-nurse wants to pay attention to the diet, reduces pungent irritant food intaking.

The moist air against nose is nosebleed

When all around air drying, because little darling's nose mucous membrane lacks the adjustment moist ability,(Related Articlesbaby bibs funny onesies Endures the powdered milk), in addition in nasal cavity blood vessel very shallow table, very easy when does not pay attention bursts the hemorrhage.

Prompt: Do not let the baby foster digs the nostril, xing nasal mucus bad usual practice. When the child sleeps, should cover the quilt below the chin the spot, maintains the nose is unobstructed, lets the baby breathe the fresh air. The baby room may or scratches the floor through the humidifier to come the moist air industriously. And pays attention to preparations and so on right amount supplement Vitamin C. When the nose bleeds, should let the baby sit down or lie down immediately, the parents available thumb and the index finger suppress the child wing of the nose both sides, treats several minutes later, loosens the finger gently,personalized organic baby blanket, the nosebleed mostly may stop. Or lets the baby forehead maintains vertical, will disinfect laps or the clean paper goods volume forces in the hemorrhage the nostril, but do not insert the depth. After simultaneously uses cold water to pat baby's nape of the neck, may also use the small ice bag cold compress. If is quite serious, should go to hospital processing immediately.

Few food pungent against rhinitis

If baby Lian Zhuo sneezes several perhaps several, meanwhile rubs the eye, flows the tear, the hyperemic conjunctiva, the nasal passage jamming, the flow clear water sample nasal mucus, the pharynx and larynx spot feels itches dry, and has the burning sensation, very possible to have contracted the allergic rhinitis.

Prompt: This is one kind of season sexual abnormality reactivity disease, usually is by aerosol disease which causes in the air pollen. In disease good sends in the Spring and Autumn Period season, must exercise the body suitably, enhances the immunity. The adjustment diet, reduces pungent stimulation food intaking. Goes out when should better give a valuable jewelled sash small mouthpiece.

The Sydney Run lung against coughs dry

If the baby appears coughs without the phlegm or the few phlegm, has a parched mouth and so on symptoms, generally is because damages the lung cloudy result to cough dry dry and hot sickness, this time first should consider is nourishes yin the Run lung.

Prompt: The Sydney 1 or the husked lotus 10 grams, the polished japonica rice 50 grams, the lily 2 grams, boil gruel food it, on first two times. Or the Sichuan fritillaria 1 gram grinds end, cooks ripe with 1 Sydney, adds the crystal sugar right amount to take, sooner or later each one time, will nourish yin by the Run lung relieves a cough. If after the above processing still slightly coughed continues, perhaps is accompanied by has a fever, when symptoms and so on headache, do not abuse the cough remedy voluntarily, should go to the hospital treatment promptly.

The meals are balanced against inflammation

If the child presents the argument blood flushes, has the blister, chaps, the erosion, the scab, the yawn easy to bleed and so on symptoms, sometimes even the company eats meal, the speech receives when affects, explained that the child has suffered from the perleche, namely popular name rotten corners of the mouth.

Prompt: The attention meals are balanced, strengthen the nutrition supplies. Let the child eat contains B race Vitamin food richly, like animal liver, meat, eggs, milk, bean product, carrot, fruit and fresh green vegetable and so on. Must pay attention protects the good child's face skin and lips' clean health, after the feed, scratches the mouth promptly, do not let the child lick the lip and the argument with the tongue, or rips on lip's dry hide, must little eat between-meal snack, do not suck the finger. Prepares a child's special-purpose Run lipstick, after each meal food, scours the mouth, then spreads a Run lipstick, before resting, spreads one time again.

Drinks the clear water against constipation

The baby is bad in the summer general appetite, to the autumn, each delicacy has been able to let baby's appetite open greatly, but will eat richly including nutrition high protein food will cause baby's stomach and intestines burden obvious aggravation, easy to have the halitosis, phenomena and so on constipation.

Prompt: Every day must give the baby to drink a plain boiled water, causes the colon to reduce to the excrement moisture content heavy absorption, the excrement can discharge smoothly. In addition, yogurt, carrot, apple, banana, corn, foods and so on sweet potato, is also helpful in assists 1 year-old above baby relaxed bowel movement in the autumn.

Sound: Actually embryo's in parent substance environment is not very peaceful, mobile brushes the sound including the mother blood vessel, the mother heart beat sound, the stomach creeping motion sound, speech sound and so on. The newborn baby eardrum is thick, just is possibly appropriate regarding the adult a little loud sound to the newborn.

The guardian may build this kind of similar sound environment for the baby, uses the air blower, the vacuum cleaner, the radio, the dryer, the running water or chooses white noise CD, may achieve the similar effect. Treats baby's ear hiss also to let the baby enjoy very much, they may obtain the security sense.

Swaying: In mother's womb, regardless of mother is walking, sits watches the television, perhaps sleeps when stands up from failure, baby's feeling looks like in marine travels by boat equally comfortably, will therefore sway gently will receive newborn baby's like. But the expert reminds the guardian to pay attention: Sways baby's scope to want to be small and to be quick, not suitable sways possibly causes the baby body to receive the injury even to sudden die.

Sucking in: The baby started in the expected date of childbirth first 3 months to practice to suck in the finger. Places in baby's mouth yours finger, perhaps uses for him comforts the nipple. Not only sucks in can alleviate baby's sense of hunger, will also activate the cerebrum deep place the calm nerve, will lead the deep tranquility the baby, will let the baby enter satisfaction the relaxation stage.

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