Saturday, September 4, 2010

cute newborn baby boy clothes Legislates to forbid the guardian to investigate secretly the child sh

The school is not listed in the position, you asked how their this does achieve? As a child's guardian, saw in Wuhan magazine work's Su Ding on October 1 officially will execute when "Hubei Province Implements <the People's Republic of China Minor Protection method> Means" electronic version edition, has the suspicion. He believed that this law's many places with difficulty achieve.

Related right of privacy's some protections, a little blind copy overseas procedure, opens in foreign life many year Central China Normal university educational expert Tao Hong, not minces matter own opinion.

Before, took the expert, Tao Hong opens once on invitation had participated in this laws and regulations legislative investigation and study symposium. But he still insisted the other day his opinion, protected between child's right of privacy and the parents right of guardianship is contradictory.

The minor has not taken shape, needs adult guardianship and so on parents, now cannot they examine its letter, the diary, the cell phone text messages and chats the record and so on, this is not self-contradictory?

This "Means" (revise manuscript) the drafter, Hubei Province minor Uygur power center executive director Attorney Li Chunsheng accepted when yesterday the interview spoke frankly that has existed to this laws' and regulations' dispute. In the entire legislative process, they saw discussed intensely many times, everybody opinion is diverse, said this right of privacy, when draft second trial also some people said that must cancel.

15 month-long legislative disputes

on June 1, 2007, new "the People's Republic of China Minor Protection method" executes. Afterward, domestic had 6 provinces to release the concrete place implementation means one after another.

Drafts the new Hubei Province minor protection method to raise agenda .2008 the beginning of the year, the concerned minor protects the legislation is included province National People's Congress in 2008 - 2012 year five year legislation planned project. The group provincial party committee organizes this draft specifically draft with the legislative investigation and study work.

in May, 2008, when this draft to the entire province questionnaire opinion, has caused the strong reaction in the society.

And, the draft plans to forbid the guardian after the child not to agree that investigated secretly child short note clauses and so on behavior to cause on the community as well as Internet's intense discussion.

As drafts Attorney Li Chunsheng the assistant, Attorney Chen Liang told the reporters,cute newborn baby boy clothes, opponent's main opinion was at that time, could not look including child's short note, this was simply inconceivable, did not tally with the present stage national condition, in advance.

before in 2009 61, for this dispute, Hubei Province National People's Congress Committee for Internal and Domestic Affairs Director Zhou Yetao accepts when the central media interview said that "Means" plan to legislate to protect the minor privacy by the misregistration.

Country new "Minor Protection method" in related provision, is only restricted in the letter regarding minor's individual privacy, the diary, the email and so on. Hubei soon implements "Means", present popular on-line chat, the cell phone text messages also will integrate minor's right of privacy protection.

In view of this point, Zhou Yetao believed that this was unified the immediately actual situation,children's clothes, the goal is fully causes to protect minor's privacy scope to be broader, was more reasonable.

On July 31, "Hubei Province Implements <the People's Republic of China Minor Protection method> Means" legislates to pass, the right of privacy provision was retained down.

Pats the head to pat by no means

on July 9, 2009 22:00 pm, the Huanggang some guesthouse conference room was still brilliantly illuminated, on the board chocked up each kind of material, the attending the meeting personnel disputed intensely.

This is "Hubei Province Implements <the People's Republic of China Minor Protection method> Means" two edit drafts discusses the scene.

The title, the writing, the punctuation and so on a law projects in the projecting apparatus, one by one scrutinizes for the attending personnel. On the projecting apparatus, is mixing with each kind of dense and numerous revision mark.

Li Chunsheng told the reporters, this local laws and regulations are not, is the expert who and the leader outside some people said in the office pats the head to pat.

According to it introduced that in the legislative investigation and study's three stages, this "Means" the draft widely solicited more than 20 domains to be related the public figure the opinion, has bought in minor's and so on student opinions.

on May 13, 2008, Li Chunsheng is entrusted the group provincial party committee to draft the draft. Afterward, they have carried out 5 month-long investigation and study, forms the draft to revise the first manuscript finally.

In January, this plans to finalize a manuscript delivers the department entrusts .3 month-long centralism investigation and study after province National People's Congress, also finally forms more fining to revise the manuscript .5 months, this draft adopts the first trial in the province National People's Congress 11 ten conferences.

After afterward the draft arrives at the province National People's Congress Committee on law .2 month-long investigation and study, also carries on the supplement to the draft to revise, forms altogether 53 finally, counts 7000 characters the draft two edits.

At the end of July, the draft two edits pass finally.

"Means" from start to draft implement officially finally, around has experienced 15 month-long investigation and study and revises repeatedly. And in Wuhan, Huang Shih, Huang Gang, the filial piety feeling, Xiangfan, places such as Jingmen has held 10 multiple legislative investigation and study symposium, more than 50 drafts, once received nearly thousand revision opinions. Reporter Ju Lingyun


Innovation explanation

>> do not announce the student achievement position

"Means" forbid the screening test which the compulsory education stage school do not hold and enter a school links up, do not increase the student schoolwork burden, do not announce the student achievement position.

>> forbids the teacher to set up, participation paid extracurricular remedial class

"Means" 14th forbids the teacher to set up, the participation or recommends the student to participate in the paid extracurricular counselling supplementary class, the family education. The Education administrative department, the school must take the measure, guaranteed that the teacher uses in the main energy in the school the teaching.

>> any individual do not the peeping minor's cell phone text messages, the mail, chat the record and so on

"Means" stipulated: Any organization and individual do not disclose the minor privacy. To minor's letter, the diary, the email, on-line chats the record, the cell phone text messages and other individual information, any organization and individual do not go into hiding, damages and throws away, agreed without myself or its guardian, do not open arbitrarily opens, consult. The laws and regulations have the stipulation exception in addition.

>> studies and so on Reform school cannot experience the file

"Means" the 17th stipulation: To has the indiscipline underage student, the school must carry on convinces, education and help; Must impose the punishment firmly, the school must listen to the underage student and the parents or other guardian's statement, protests, and answered.

"Means" 18th also stipulated: Student in College study, original must retain its school register in the school,newborn girls clothes, it does not write down the personal record file in the College study's experience.

>> the Internet bar admits the minor to be highest may punish 15,000 Yuan

"Means" the 29th stipulation: In the elementary and middle schools campus peripheral 200 meters scopes do not open the Internet surfer service business place, the business dance recreation area and so on is not suitable the place which the minor moves ......

The 49th article stipulation: The Internet surfer service business place admits the minor to enter, orders the correction by the culture Administrative department, and may post below 500 Yuan above 2000 Yuan fine; Refuses to correct, post below 2000 Yuan above 15000 Yuan fines; The circumstance is serious, orders closes down business the reorganization, until cancels "Network Culture Business certificate".

>> when disaster should first protect the minor safety, prevents to have Fan Paopao the event

"Means" the 23rd stipulation: The school, the kindergarten, the nursery must formulate the thunderbolt contingency plans,(Related Articlesreborn baby dolls [short happy hour! ]), in view of each kind of disaster, the communicable disease, the food poisoning, the safe drilling which the accident injury and so on thunderbolt carries on, each semester many in one time.

"Means" are clear about the request: When has the thunderbolt and the minor personal injuries accident, the school, the kindergarten, the nursery must first protect minor's safety ......

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Is gradually thick in the autumn chill, in dry multi-wind season, little darling, because self-adjustment ability is bad, very easy to present the fall dry performance, what method mothers should use to let the baby restore balanced?

The limit sweets against itch sickness

In the little darling skin the moisture content mainly has the dermis, but autumn little darling's in vivo will occupy the water scarcity frequently the condition, by now the skin will provide the moisture content to the organism, supplemented that the blood circulation the need, the result easy to cause the skin because of water scarcity,little girls dresses, but dry, the pruritus, presented skins and so on papula to damage, saw in 1~3 year-old little darling.

Prompt: This time must limit the sugar manufacturing and sweets intaking, and supplements the fresh vegetables and the fruit promptly; Simultaneously must maintain the indoor air circulation, and lets the baby have the sufficient sleep; Every day also needs the lukewarm water to take a bath 1~2 times.

Soft clothes against dermatitis

When which transforms when the season, the allergic physique's baby is specially easy to suffer from the dystopia dermatitis. Occupies the babyhood the fat baby regular session in the forehead, the cheek spot presents the red spot, perhaps the small papula, the baby because of will itch scratches and tears the skin,Newborn Baby Clothes, will form infiltrates the fluid, repeatedly, sometimes light sometimes heavy.

Prompt: Let the baby put on soft, spacious, the pure clothes, protects the dystopia dermatitis's important means. The day just transferred coldly, do not let the baby put on the silk wool product, also do not be able to pass through warmly, in order to avoid aggravates itches the feeling; The milk and the egg are the animal proteins, possibly will aggravate dermatitis to display; If is breast feeding, the wet-nurse wants to pay attention to the diet, reduces pungent irritant food intaking.

The moist air against nose is nosebleed

When all around air drying, because little darling's nose mucous membrane lacks the adjustment moist ability,(Related Articlesbaby bibs funny onesies Endures the powdered milk), in addition in nasal cavity blood vessel very shallow table, very easy when does not pay attention bursts the hemorrhage.

Prompt: Do not let the baby foster digs the nostril, xing nasal mucus bad usual practice. When the child sleeps, should cover the quilt below the chin the spot, maintains the nose is unobstructed, lets the baby breathe the fresh air. The baby room may or scratches the floor through the humidifier to come the moist air industriously. And pays attention to preparations and so on right amount supplement Vitamin C. When the nose bleeds, should let the baby sit down or lie down immediately, the parents available thumb and the index finger suppress the child wing of the nose both sides, treats several minutes later, loosens the finger gently,personalized organic baby blanket, the nosebleed mostly may stop. Or lets the baby forehead maintains vertical, will disinfect laps or the clean paper goods volume forces in the hemorrhage the nostril, but do not insert the depth. After simultaneously uses cold water to pat baby's nape of the neck, may also use the small ice bag cold compress. If is quite serious, should go to hospital processing immediately.

Few food pungent against rhinitis

If baby Lian Zhuo sneezes several perhaps several, meanwhile rubs the eye, flows the tear, the hyperemic conjunctiva, the nasal passage jamming, the flow clear water sample nasal mucus, the pharynx and larynx spot feels itches dry, and has the burning sensation, very possible to have contracted the allergic rhinitis.

Prompt: This is one kind of season sexual abnormality reactivity disease, usually is by aerosol disease which causes in the air pollen. In disease good sends in the Spring and Autumn Period season, must exercise the body suitably, enhances the immunity. The adjustment diet, reduces pungent stimulation food intaking. Goes out when should better give a valuable jewelled sash small mouthpiece.

The Sydney Run lung against coughs dry

If the baby appears coughs without the phlegm or the few phlegm, has a parched mouth and so on symptoms, generally is because damages the lung cloudy result to cough dry dry and hot sickness, this time first should consider is nourishes yin the Run lung.

Prompt: The Sydney 1 or the husked lotus 10 grams, the polished japonica rice 50 grams, the lily 2 grams, boil gruel food it, on first two times. Or the Sichuan fritillaria 1 gram grinds end, cooks ripe with 1 Sydney, adds the crystal sugar right amount to take, sooner or later each one time, will nourish yin by the Run lung relieves a cough. If after the above processing still slightly coughed continues, perhaps is accompanied by has a fever, when symptoms and so on headache, do not abuse the cough remedy voluntarily, should go to the hospital treatment promptly.

The meals are balanced against inflammation

If the child presents the argument blood flushes, has the blister, chaps, the erosion, the scab, the yawn easy to bleed and so on symptoms, sometimes even the company eats meal, the speech receives when affects, explained that the child has suffered from the perleche, namely popular name rotten corners of the mouth.

Prompt: The attention meals are balanced, strengthen the nutrition supplies. Let the child eat contains B race Vitamin food richly, like animal liver, meat, eggs, milk, bean product, carrot, fruit and fresh green vegetable and so on. Must pay attention protects the good child's face skin and lips' clean health, after the feed, scratches the mouth promptly, do not let the child lick the lip and the argument with the tongue, or rips on lip's dry hide, must little eat between-meal snack, do not suck the finger. Prepares a child's special-purpose Run lipstick, after each meal food, scours the mouth, then spreads a Run lipstick, before resting, spreads one time again.

Drinks the clear water against constipation

The baby is bad in the summer general appetite, to the autumn, each delicacy has been able to let baby's appetite open greatly, but will eat richly including nutrition high protein food will cause baby's stomach and intestines burden obvious aggravation, easy to have the halitosis, phenomena and so on constipation.

Prompt: Every day must give the baby to drink a plain boiled water, causes the colon to reduce to the excrement moisture content heavy absorption, the excrement can discharge smoothly. In addition, yogurt, carrot, apple, banana, corn, foods and so on sweet potato, is also helpful in assists 1 year-old above baby relaxed bowel movement in the autumn.

Sound: Actually embryo's in parent substance environment is not very peaceful, mobile brushes the sound including the mother blood vessel, the mother heart beat sound, the stomach creeping motion sound, speech sound and so on. The newborn baby eardrum is thick, just is possibly appropriate regarding the adult a little loud sound to the newborn.

The guardian may build this kind of similar sound environment for the baby, uses the air blower, the vacuum cleaner, the radio, the dryer, the running water or chooses white noise CD, may achieve the similar effect. Treats baby's ear hiss also to let the baby enjoy very much, they may obtain the security sense.

Swaying: In mother's womb, regardless of mother is walking, sits watches the television, perhaps sleeps when stands up from failure, baby's feeling looks like in marine travels by boat equally comfortably, will therefore sway gently will receive newborn baby's like. But the expert reminds the guardian to pay attention: Sways baby's scope to want to be small and to be quick, not suitable sways possibly causes the baby body to receive the injury even to sudden die.

Sucking in: The baby started in the expected date of childbirth first 3 months to practice to suck in the finger. Places in baby's mouth yours finger, perhaps uses for him comforts the nipple. Not only sucks in can alleviate baby's sense of hunger, will also activate the cerebrum deep place the calm nerve, will lead the deep tranquility the baby, will let the baby enter satisfaction the relaxation stage.

reborn baby doll [51 vacations] the long travel looked that the room flies a kite

Today is 51 vacations the second day, rare father and mother rest, the whole family rested a nature to awake, has the breakfast to embark. The today's first station is looked that my family's new house, the second station is goes to nearby Qiantang River to release for flight the kite, the third station is goes to the stuffed dumpling godmother family to play.

The beautiful under sand is situated at north shore the world famous Qiantang River downstream, the state-level development zone - - Hangzhou economic development zone, the national biggest higher education campus - - Zhejiang Province higher education campus, the Zhejiang Hangzhou the special area for processing export products also to be situated within the boundaries of under sand. Because stuffed dumpling daddy is at school under sand; second, in the future on the stuffed dumpling the middle school, the university also under sand, therefore we bought the house under the sand. Entered under the desert region, the stuffed dumpling daddy very proud region we passed through the institute area which he was, arrives at the estate which we chose. Although the house did not have the construction to finish, but today looked house the human is continuous, the buyer takes the project quality, and hoped for that hands over the room as promised. Walks on the main road feels US which around the estate the afforestation brings, special crispness.



Left the estate to drive several minutes to arrive at nearby Qiantang River. Daddy put out yesterday evening goes to Ou Shang supermarket stuffed dumpling to choose the time panda kite to prepare, the stuffed dumpling flings about happily wants himself to put impatiently. Daddy said: I prepared, where the stuffed dumpling did you have a look at the wind from to blow, had a look at your small skirt. The stuffed dumpling said: Has the wind, the skirt is moving. Daddy hand is taking the kite back to the wind: The stuffed dumpling looks. As soon as daddy drops,reborn baby doll, the kite rises into the sky immediately. The stuffed dumpling received the coil immediately, has run happily. Its solid line in daddy's hand, daddy slowly setting out, the kite is also flying is farther. The stuffed dumpling looks that the kite said: Good strange, why flies not high? Daddy said: The setting out cannot be too quick, the kite will fly naturally to the high place. The stuffed dumpling narrows the eye to look at space one: The kite elevates, my shadowboxed time panda to the space. Teases the whole family to laugh.

Saw stuffed dumpling daddy is flying a kite,playsuit, the treasure daughter with is jumping happily in daddy side, runs, smiles, calls. Stuffed dumpling mother urges carefully in the one side, the stuffed dumpling automobile has come, the stuffed dumpling simply did not know that automobile's direction,(Related Articlesbaby boutique The MacDonald poisonous cup event is), runs up to side daddy, attracts the jail to hang on daddy leg, ha ......The stuffed dumpling worried naively the foot will be unsafe, grandmother felt that stuffed dumpling one will be happy delightful.

Daddy has given the coil the stuffed dumpling: You must take the jail to run again, otherwise the kite will ascend the sky the coil belt. Stuffed dumpling: Good. Looked like the mold to run nicely, but also gained ground once for a while: The day has been too bright,kids clothing, my kite ascended the sky changes is small. Stuffed dumpling daddy said: The kite rose high, it was getting more and more far to us, you discovered it getting smaller. Stuffed dumpling daddy discovered that coil's line put completely, the kite already put 50 meters to be high.

Saw the stuffed dumpling very healthily is running, mother voices the feeling greatly: Flies a kite really well, also exercises the body, also the ceramic presents the sentiment. Is should bring the stuffed dumpling to come out frequently to enjoy spring's sunlight, looked that the stuffed dumpling happy appearance, is very satisfied.

Stuffed dumpling mother also cannot escape kite's enticement, gave the stuffed dumpling daddy selfish the camera to play: Stuffed dumpling her father, the hand is pulling kite's feeling well mysterious, one strength is swaying upwardly. The stuffed dumpling can take the coil the jail, the main point strength. Stuffed dumpling daddy said: If the kite flew away, the stuffed dumpling must cry, but will be many one kind of experience. Stuffed dumpling mother said: Do not fly away well, you will put two time next time said again.

The kite gave mother, the stuffed dumpling treasure has not been idling, grandmother did not let her stop down, was thinking the means let her be tired. The stuffed dumpling treasure also happily enjoys in which, as soon as on the lawn soaks the dog deng also to look at a care, runs, jumps, is pulling the skirt beautiful stench, is enjoying the insolation heartily.

Must receive the kite, the stuffed dumpling has not played suffices, mother said: Must go to the godmother family, are we will play again next time good. The stuffed dumpling jumped said: Good. Looks like today's stuffed dumpling treasure to play very much happily! Stuffed dumpling grandmother patted this precious entire family to us to illuminate.

baby boutique clothing How teaches you nine moves to melt the baby to resist to eat the supplementar

The child 4 months later may the right amount addition supplementary food, but many young parents the baby are not willing to eat the supplementary food frequently for the family but in worry. Actually, so long as utilizes a small skill suitably, can let the baby accept the supplementary food happily.

How does Method1 demonstrate chews food

Because some babies are not familiar with the mastication, will use the tongue food toward the extrapolation, how the guardian to probably give by now the baby to demonstrate to chew food, and swallowed down. May slow the tempo tries several times, lets him have more study opportunities.

Method2 do not feed too many or is too quick

According to baby's appetite oral administration, the speed do not be too quick, after feeding food, should let the child rest, do not have the fierce activity, also do not nurse immediately.

Method3 tastes each kind of new taste

The diet is rich in the change to be able to stimulate baby's appetite. In the baby likes originally in food joins the new material, the component and the type from few to many. The baby does not like food may reduce the supply, but should increase supplementary food gradually the type, lets good custom which the baby fosters does not select food. Sometimes baby repugnant some kind of food, does not lie in the flavor, but in cooking way, therefore, the guardian should trade the pattern in the cooking way. Moreover,baby boutique clothing, after child long tooth, likes nipping has chews the feeling food, might as well in by now altered to the fruit putty the fruit piece. Food must pay attention to color matching, arouses baby's appetite,personalized baby bibs, but the taste is not suitable is too thick.

Method4 takes baby's alone resolving

After half year old, the baby had gradually has resolved alone, could think that began to eat meal, the guardian might encourage child to take the soupspoon feed, studied the opportunity for him. If the baby likes with the hand grasping the thing to eat, may boil food which the system easy hand to take, satisfies child's desire, lets him think matter which eats meal has the sense of achievement, the appetite can also be more exuberant.

Method5 before meals 10 minutes advance advance notifications

Is playing when the enthusiasm, if the child is broken suddenly, will cause its revolt and the rejection,baby gift, even if will therefore be 1 year-old about baby, should also consider the matter which beforehand he soon wants to do, for example: Crossed 10 minutes to again wash the hands eats meal!

Method6 prepares a set of child tableware

Is filled with food with the large bowl, will cause the baby to have the oppression feeling to affect the appetite; Incisive and the fragile tableware is not suitable lets the young boy use, in order to avoid has the accident. The market child tableware has the lovable design, the bright color, may promote baby's appetite. The guardian might as well takes to bring with the child, selects and purchases a set by him.

Method7 maintains happy dines the mood

If the baby to the dinner time had not thought that hungry, do not let him eat hardly. Often forces the baby to eat food, will let him think that will eat meal is a repugnant matter, continuously for a long time hence will have the repel psychology. The parents do not want to train eagerly the baby the young gentleman or the young virtuous young woman, sets the unreasonable specification to them, for example: Certainly must use the chopsticks, eats the soup not to be able to drop comes out and so on, these babies cannot achieve temporarily the request, will let him think that depressed will affect dines the mood.

Method8 do not appraise food in front of the child

The baby will imitate adult's behavior, therefore the guardian should not select food and the appraisal food quality in front of the child,(Related Articlesbaby boutique clothing Gunshot competitor unexpect), in order to avoid will foster his partial eclipse the custom.

Method9 academic society food substitution principle

Perhaps if baby repugnant some kind of food, is only temporariness does not like, may stop the oral administration first, separates the section time to let him eat again, may feed for the baby the nutrient content similar replace. In addition, so long as the baby health, the vigor is good, and the growth situation conforms to the baby healthy handbook growth diagram of curves, occasionally eats little selects also does not need to worry, so long as allowed nature to take its course is good.

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The girl then worriedly said that discovers a point in vain slightly virtuous

[Dragon Boat Festival travels]Hainan tropics birds world

Dragon Boat Festival thinks of the father to have three day of vacation, the weather is very hot, where originally wanted to stay in the home does not go to play, but thought of the father to have a mind to lead the wife child to go out to play at will, therefore has made some short line traveling plan.

on 14th, knew that Dingan holds Dragon Boat Festival good food culture festival celebration, we go in admiration of somebody's fame.

We arrive at the Hainan tropics birds world first, it is known that the Hainan tropics birds world is invests 6000 ten thousand Yuan by the Hainan tower range travel industry development Limited company to be biggest in the Hainan Province Ding'an County tower range development zone construction at present domestic area, demonstration birds quantity most tropics birds park.

We arrive was already 10:00 am, the temperature is very today high, the sun exposes to the sun very much, the optical fiber was very strong, the person eye which punctured cannot open.

Performs on the field to perform birds' performance, the small parrot in the weight lifting, the splendid performance arouses the people intermittent applause.

The brother and sister two come to take a group photo together with the parrot.

Hesitates, thought finally also dares to trace the parrot. This traces makes is needing to play with the parrot, was not willing to walk.

Here is the peacock garden,organic baby gift baskets, in the garden many peacocks, but had not seen the attractive peacock spreads the tail.

Saw with great difficulty spreads the tail to a peacock, but the feather quickly fell, good clown's peacock.

More walks toward inside,(Related Articlesnewborn baby dolls If the guardian did not agree t), the scenery is more beautiful, here just like bird's heaven, in the water airborne everywhere is each kind of birds, satisfied is enjoying this happy morning.

Today our entire family has put on the parent-child attire, comes a rare family photo.

This is bath Longtan, is the Hainan biggest artificial waterfall, scenery US, on the waterfall also has many birds to play very much playing with water.

How has everybody seen the banana is ties, this is the result rubber tree, middle that cone-shape's we are called the banana the heart, time in the past was poor, many people have eaten the banana heart.

To the ostrich garden, has thought just started a little to be afraid, under mine encouragement, also dared the close ostrich, but also dared to the ostrich to feed the vegetable, but when ostrich really eats, frightened was yelling has discarded the vegetable, thought of elder brother is also so, teased the periphery people to smile.

Because I spoke thoughtlessly said one will let think rides the ostrich,designer children's clothes, after the result she and the ostrich has played a meeting, has made a tearful scene is needing to ride the ostrich, but here ostrich could not ride, I only then roared with great difficulty am thinking leave, she on the one hand walked also on the other hand makes a tearful scene was saying: I must ride the ostrich, I must ride the ostrich. Did this girl, when change is so bold.

Here is the bird rain drenches, each kind of birds even chicken duck and so on gathers at here, is really bird's heaven. We stroll in the forest to go through, think of brother and sister two happy observation each kind of bird.

This is the parrot garden, is originally thinks in brother and sister two to take food to tease the parrot down to eat, when finally the parrot falls in thinks in hand's time,buy baby kids swimwear, thinks of scream which frightens, all runs away in fear the parrot to the tree on does not dare again down, under afterward in the animal tender summoned over and over only then gets down, this traded my oral administration, thought then dares in the aside to look.

Here has one to see the dragon tower, it is said is the ancient people to ask virtuous move of Long Ergai.

This is the bird elder brother who will speak, did not know that north will have this kind of bird, this kind of bird will be many in Hainan, so long as will train slightly will speak the logical expression. Under animal tender's teasing, these bird elder brother speaks in abundance, hello! Before bye-bye the bed, the bright moonlight light small white rabbit, Bai Youbai. Ha, had a thought the poem to come unexpectedly, but also had speaks English, was really amusing, thought of the brother and sister two also happily straight to smile.

The visit birds world ended, we arrived at the Dingan old city to have a look, finally discovered that the gourmet festival did not have what quality of being worth looking, came the human were not many. Noon we have eaten the Dingan famous Hsinchu goose in a good food street, discovered that did not have Bai Liane to be delicious, looks like this gourmet festival is the thunderclap big raindrop is small, does not have any quality of being worth looking.

baby boutiques The US Space agency declines the planetoid to hit Earth possibility

According to the American media news,(Related Articlesneiman marcus kids clothing Rescues the child!), Britain Daily Express once reported in 2005 that the scientists believed the Arab League wave Feisi planetoid possibly will bump into 2036 and the Earth, releases explodes the burst altitude 100,000 time of energies compared to the Hiroshima bomb, several thousand square kilometers areas will receive the immediate influence, but will release in the atmosphere the dust possibly to affect the entire Earth's ecology. At present, the new research demonstrated that Arab League wave Feisi hits Earth's possibility in 2036 to be miniscule.

The Arab League wave Feisi planetoid was discovered in 2004 that the width surpasses two soccer fields to be big, has 390 meters widths. In the Egyptian myth, Arab League wave Feisi is ancient evil and evil spirit of the deconstruction,baby boutiques, its goal is lets the entire world fall into the permanent darkness. Therefore the astronomer is directly soaring this from the outside outer space the planetoid which the Earth comes to name as Arab League wave Feisi, because at that time the scientist inferred this planetoid to bring the unprecedented disastrous threat to the humanity. This planetoid beforehand name is called 2004MN4., because exists in relatively near future hits Earth's possibility, it in recent several years time scientist's attention. The scientist once thought that like the Goan wave Feisi planetoid hits the Earth, will not cause the global deconstruction, but will possibly have the serious topicality disaster.

At first, Arab League wave Feisi was considered has 2.7% opportunities to hit after 2029 the Earth .NASA scientist carries on the orbital checking calculation discovered that Arab League wave Feisi in 2029 will brush past with the Earth, but actually in 2036 again the presence Earth, and will possibly break through the atmosphere and the Earth bumps into! It is reported that Arab League wave Feisi was already holds at present the Reno rank 4th level, 10 levels mean the inevitable global ruination collision. The Arab League wave Feisi dangerous rank was discovering throughout history in the planetoid is highest, the scientist once thought that it bumps into the probability with the Earth in 2036 to reach as high as 1/37!

In order to deal with the most serious disaster, before the scientist once proposed many theoretical method changes the hitting the ground planetoid the track. The European Space Agency advanced idea group designed impels the planetoid deviation hitting the ground track's method with a row of satellite or the rocket. The scientist most is interested, also the easiest method, is dispatches a space ship and the planetoid violent collision,baby accessories, thus changes its direction. In order to deal with the Arab League wave Feisi threat, the European Space Agency once prepared to initiate Don Quixote to plan,reborn baby dolls, sends two space ships to go to a test planetoid. And a space ship named west Daer spear, it will bump into high speed with this planetoid, but other Sang Ke space ship will survey the planetoid in neighbor the orbital change situation. Also some people proposed that explodes the planetoid with the nuclear bomb.

However the newest observation result may let the panic psychology which because the people Arab League wave Feisi brings have the alleviation. Now, the University of Hawaii uses the deployment in the Monakeya mountain (Hawaii's death volcano, on the Pacific Ocean most mountain, is highly the newest observation data which 4.183 meters) the peak nearby tracking telescope gains lets the scientist be able the recomputation this outer space megalith movement path. What is lucky, new track display this planetoid is nearly impossible to run upon the Earth.

The Arab League wave Feisi planetoid is discovered since 2004, is throughout the people most feels one of interest heavenly bodies, American Space agency Jet propulsion Research institute nearly heavenly body scientist Steve - Chesley said: The newest computational method and the recent data indicated that Arab League wave Feisi hit Earth's possibility in April 13, 2036 already from 1/45000 to drop to approximately 4/1000000.

The scientist still thought that this planetoid (will be approximately equal to 29450 kilometers) in April 13, 2029 from the earth's surface 18300 miles, will thus create most approaches Earth's record, certainly this kind of record speaking of the Earth is harmless.

The most recent data demonstrated that the Arab League wave Feisi planetoid will approach the Earth once more in 2068, and has 3/1000000 possibilities to hit the Earth. Along with the Arab League wave Feisi planetoid movement information's further collection, the possibility which in other near futures will hit will pay attention to the elimination.

The precise orbital reckoning further indicated that we may think the Arab League wave Feisi planetoid will also arouse the scientific circles interest, but should not initiate any panic. The American Space agency Jet propulsion Research institute nearly heavenly body studied chief of office Tang - Yeomans saying:The public may momentarily pay attention to us to the Arab League wave Feisi planetoid and other nearly heavenly body research.

designer kids shoes Mother learns to accept the baby bad custom

The baby is growing up day-by-day, from first time pronounces fuzzily is called father and mother, takes the soupspoon to oneself to eat meal, from lies down daily the cradle to the advance by creeping, this progress bit by bit has brought to the family member incomparably joyful delighted. At the same time, the following bad custom also lets mothers worried. Guangzhou Mother and child Hospital babies and infants branch Head Nurse Liao the artificial flower with gold-foil reminder guardian, some customs are the baby grow in the process natural phenomenon, mother only need guide then.

Custom one: Picks food by hand with the hand

Year-old an about baby likes with the hand picking food by hand frequently eats, many parents' meetings stop this not well-mannered behavior immediately. Actually not only the baby picks food by hand with the hand may increase them to food familiar, trains them gradually to food interest, after such baby grows up, not greatly will select food.

Eats meal and studies, the amusement is the need slowly cultivate interest, lets the child contact food freely the color shape special characteristic, this to them is one kind of joyfulness.

Tips: Mothers must do are wash cleanly baby's hand, lets them display freely. It is noteworthy that looks like the peanut grain, the puffed rice, but the small bean and so on circle hard food cannot let the baby grasp the food, avoids the card in the throat.

Custom two: Eats the finger

Baby 45 month-long time likes sucking in the finger, as well as, so long as the tentacle may and the object always likes putting nips to the mouth. After renowned psychologist Floyd is born the baby, the first year is called the oral cavity time, is the personality development first foundation stage. He is through sucks, licks,designer kids shoes, nips and so on ways to attempt the cognition thing, the sensation world. Stops the child to eat the hand strongly, will give the child in the psychology to create the shadow, after growing up, easy anxious, will have a fit of temper, will lack the basic trust and the security sense to others.


1. mothers must comfort the baby as far as possible through the hug kiss, shifts the drawing his attention, objects and so on toy lets their cognition more things, develops their cerebrum.

2. after the baby sleeps soundly, takes the finger, avoids sucking in the finger distortion for a long time.

3. if the baby likes nipping each kind of object, mother may sliver the fruit a sliver of shape, lets the baby grasp nips, but is not replaces simply with the false nipple.

Custom three: Everywhere randomly crawls

In ground crawls crawls dirty! Mothers meet do not let the baby in ground crawl. But crawling is the first step which the baby walks. Crawling may strengthen baby's hand, the eye, the waist, whole body spot and so on leg coordinated, but can also let the baby contact and the understanding thing on own initiative early, promotion cognitive capacity growth. Regarding the strange environment, except will dread the feeling,personalized organic baby blanket, the baby will also have the intense curiosity and the intellectual curiosity, hoped that will begin through oneself to explore, understanding and understanding world, self-entertainment from happy.


1. if will be afraid the ground dirty to bring disease, mother may put on the small overalls to the baby.

2. does the laborious nursing work. So long as the baby crawls does not put the hand to the mouth, does not grasp eats food,girls swimwear, mother does not need too to worry.

Custom four: Everywhere throws the thing

You give the toy he, he looked that did not look falls ground. You pick, he falls again. Sometimes the baby catches anything to fall, drinking glass soupspoon rice bowl. Throws the thing is actually one kind of baby plays. The baby is being unceasingly redundant in the game movement, strengthened to physical world each kind of object, each kind of environment's understanding, these will be in the future further cognition development foundation.

Between throws and picks the look exchange,(Related Articles[baby clothes match Xiu] cat and lazy cat mother), the bodily contact, has met the baby emotion need and the mood development, parentage obtains further strengthening.


You play to the baby reply positively in turn may stimulate baby's aggressive reaction, causes it to produce the letter to feel in one's heart with the feeling of satisfaction. This positive mood experience formed the open and bright lively individuality for the baby to lay the good foundation.